Meeting Minutes: Mar 11, 2025

Meeting Minutes from Python Docs Editorial Board: Mar 11, 2025




  • Wiki:
    • Carol went to Docs WG meeting last week. Discussion about the wiki. It is outside of EB’s focus. But we should not link to the wiki from Python docs.
    • It would be great to have an Educational Landing page -> for a Python user, it would be better to have it instead of the wiki.python.
    • Wiki is not a PSF-owned infrastructure?
    • We have many links (~20) to the wiki from cpython repo. Most were old what’s new docs.
    • We will update and unlink (?)
    • Maybe write in Devguide about the status about wiki.p.o. It is a community-run resource, it has implied authority beyond its actual authority.
  • Translations is doing well, now there is a translations dashboard
  • Issue 25 is now closed, opened a Discourse instead
  • There is now
    • Why is it separate from
    • It’s maintained by typing council.
    • A set of standards for type checkers (which are not maintained by Python core)
    • Should we explain all the different (something) -> specifically wiki and typing
    • Add writeup in devguide about which ones are Core Python docs, and there are things like packaging.
    • Should we add as “not in scope” in our charter doc?
    • The typing.p.o docs aren’t tied to CPython version
  • Carol received comment from a Linux conference attendee, last few Python releases have been easy to install.
  • Ned is still going on with Devguide reorg (Initially we set a due date to get it done by PyCon US - PyCon US is in 2 months)
  • “Or” vs “|” in the docs.
  • Need to go back in our notes and backfill the file
  • The Docs WG are to ask the PSF to pay for the translation tools.