Meeting Minutes: Dec 10, 2024
Meeting Minutes from Python Docs Editorial Board: December 10, 2024
- Is what we’re doing fulfilling the purpose of the EB?
- We have been very casual
- We can be more proactive instead of waiting to be asked for a decision.
- Tables vs two-line summary:
- Indecisions about docs are blocking contributions
- Diataxis says to make plans and decisions, not sweeping changes
- Log of decisions:
- We have the changelog
- People might want a one-size-fits-all decisions but
- Churns for docs is different with code churns
- Maybe we’d be more open to it?
- We can be more proactive instead of reactive
- Still mention that please don’t make PRs just to make sweeping changes to conform to the new styling decisions
- How to be more proactive: just be more active on the Docs discourse. We can say “the board discussed it and …”
- Docs audit?
- Get more of a plan on how to proceed from Joanna
- Docs needing fixing: Argparse, asyncio, Threading (incl. concurrent.futures)
- Request decision
- Request for decision: how should we mark up types in parameter lists?
- Make it a formal decision:
- Use the word or instead of |
- Instead of | None, use “optional”?
- Use “default” instead of “optional”
- We are moving to Tuesdays
- Next meeting is Tuesday Jan 14
- We should discuss docs issues more instead of personal projects